Greetings Brothers,
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
As we come to the close of the Year 2022 I once again want to express my appreciation for the hard work you Brothers do, the trust you have in me and the executive board and your continued dedication to our great fraternity. I think the year 2022 has been a good year for us overall. We are recognized by our area our district and our region as a successful harmonious and hard-working chapter of Alpha. It is a good feeling to receive accolades and brothers who have been long time inactive seeking to join our chapter. It is also outstanding for brothers who are new to the area or have been in the area for a while to seek us out and reactivate themselves through Mu Lambda on a regular basis.
With Founders Day on the horizon I once again am very pleased with my decision and I hope your decision to become an active member of Alpha Phi Alpha be it 30 years ago 60 years ago 20 years ago 10 years ago 2 years ago. This is by far one of the best decisions I've made in my life. I am so very appreciative of the wisdom of our founders to create such a great brotherhood and community service based organization. It's good being number one.
Again thank you all and let's get ready for our 100th next year.

John "Tony" Wilson, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter 2405 Alpha Phi Alpha Way Washington, DC 20001